Paper Making with My Lovely Muse

Paper making in Downtown Grand Haven!
The art of papermaking is really quite easy and something you can learn and do at home with friends and family! We will be making paper out of used paper and other materials. You’ll get all the tips and tricks to make on your own and you’ll be able to take home what you make. Feel free to bring any embellishments you’d like to add to your paper like seeds, colorful paper, threads, etc. All ages welcome (accompanied by an adult).
Each participant will take home whatever paper they make. Sometimes the paper doesn’t dry before class ends, and in that case it might need to dry overnight and be picked up at Haven + Main the next day.
This workshop will be facilitated by Christina Threloff, owner and sewist behind My Lovely Muse.
This event is hosted outside in the 1st block of Washington Ave, and is come-and-go style, so you can show up anywhere between 9am – 12pm and make paper!
The fee for this event is $25 or Pay-what-you-can. We really just want to show you the art of papermaking, and teach you how to do it on your own!
Payment will be taken in-person at class time with cash or card.


Aug 15 2024


9:00 am - 12:00 pm


First Block Social Area
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