Discover Historic Downtown Grand Haven.

Welcome to Downtown Grand Haven. From exploring the historic architecture to enjoying outdoor activities like fishing or simply relaxing with ice cream or shopping, downtown Grand Haven promises an unforgettable experience for all who visit.

Discover Historic Downtown Grand Haven.

Discover Downtown Grand Haven.

Welcome to Downtown Grand Haven. From exploring the historic architecture to enjoying outdoor activities like fishing or simply relaxing with ice cream or shopping, downtown Grand Haven promises an unforgettable experience for all who visit.

Explore Grand Haven



Explore Grand Haven.

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Things to do.

Upcoming Events

Things to do.

We have amazing customers, we really do. I know everyone says that, but we have people in here every day who have supported us from day one—and they’re still coming in.

Lisa Passinault – Morningstar Cafe

Grand Haven Main Street

Our Mission.

The Grand Haven Main Street Downtown Development Authority’s mission is to enhance a vibrant historic business district through community partnerships.

By partnering with organizations and leaders at the local, city, state, and national level, Main Street America protects the historic character of cities and towns across the country, and promotes shared prosperity. Their approach is comprehensive, inclusive, place-based and people-focused.